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Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment Program

According to Ayurveda, good health depends upon our capability to fully metabolize all aspects of life, assimilating that which nourishes and eliminating the rest. When we can’t completely digest our food, or experience emotions, then toxins accumulate in our bodily tissues, creating imbalance and ultimately disease.


Panchakarma is a very thorough cleansing process that releases these stored toxins and restores the body’s innate natural healing ability.


When our digestive energies, known as Agni (fire), are robust, we create healthy tissues, eliminate waste products efficiently, and produce a subtle essence called Ojas. Ojas, which may be envisioned as the innermost sap of our psychophysiology, is the basis for clarity of perception, physical strength, and immunity.


On the other hand, if our Agni is weakened, digestion is incomplete and this creates toxins that get stored in the body. This toxic residue is known as Ama.


When ama accumulates in the body, it blocks the flow of energy, information, and nourishment throughout the system.


Ayurveda considers this build-up of toxins the underlying cause of all diseases. A common example is the accumulation of saturated fat and cholesterol that is beyond the body’s capacity to metabolize.

It’s easy to understand agni and ama in terms of food, but our minds and hearts are continually digesting energy and information too. The inability to metabolize emotions produces just as much toxic residue as undigested food.


Amazingly, things like pent-up anger, long-held sadness, and lingering guilt are more debilitating for most people, than problems with physical digestion. Even though you might not realise you are holding on to these past emotions, they are causing harm.

In order to experience optimal health, it is crucial to maintain a strong digestive fire and eliminate toxins from the body & mind. And this is where Panchakarma comes in.

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